Termite Inspections

Providing you with peace of mind during your investment process

Why have a Termite Inspection?

Lender Requirements.  Because termite (or other wood destroying insect) infestations can be so damaging, most lenders will require that a proper termite inspection be performed by a licensed professional as part of the home financing process.

Peace of Mind.  Your inspector will not only check all of the common entry points for WDI, he will identify all conducive conditions and clearly mark them on a scaled diagram of your property so you will know exactly what to look for in the future.

Leaving No Stone Unturned. When you add a WDI service to your general home inspection, you’ve chosen to obtain the best overall picture of your home’s condition all in one transaction. Questions or concerns are all addressed by the same professional inspector and as always, we welcome your calls at any time.

WDI Inspections

Although many home sales are performed without a termite inspection, it is highly recommended that one be performed every 2 years or sooner if conducive conditions are within reach of the home.

Absolutely you should get one prior to moving in to your home. This allows for a much better inspection without belongings blocking full and complete access to see the signs of an infestation.

In Texas, every spring you will find termites that swarm from their existing location to seek out new homes. They fly, land, and begin the process of establishing a new colony. They can take up residence just about anywhere, including tunneling underground and into your home via cracks as small as 1/8″ wide.

As a trained termite inspector with a technician license issued by the TDA, we know what to look for including tunnels, wing droppings, frass, surface indicators, proper moisture exposure, and other conducive conditions.

You are provided with a Texas WDI Report that is able to be shared with your lender, or others of your choice. We will post our inspection information within the home to certify that an inspection was performed and indicate the date of the inspection.

Our termite inspections start at about $90.00 and are performed during the same time slot as the general home inspection.

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all areas of the home are inspected

The areas that are inspected include the exterior and vicinity of the home, the interior, and the attics, crawlspaces, and garages.


The WDI and Termite inspection begins upon arrival. We look for evidence of wood destroying insects as well as all conducive conditions that enable and encourage an infestation. This includes the home structure, grounds, and belongings near the home.

Living Areas

Within the living spaces of the home, we inspect for activity, and conditions where most activity begins. This includes under sinks, near tubs and showers, around windows, and other places where pests can make their way into the home from common entry points.

Other Areas

Locations such as garages, attics, and anywhere that insects are known to enter the structural areas of the home are closely observed. We look for signs of infestation as well as the subtle conditions that encourage these pests to take up residence